Sunday, September 14, 2014

Installation and Configuration of Codeception with PHAR file

Installation and Configuration of Codeception with PHAR file:

Codeception is basically a PHP testing framework to perform unit,functional and acceptance types of testings.It's installation is pretty simple and only requires minimal steps. PHP needs to be installed on the machine where we need to test our web application.

PHP Dependencies: Codeception 2.0 and higher requires PHP 5.4 installed. Download latest version of Codeception 1.8.x if you run PHP 5.3
We can install PHP in our system by XAMP or WAMP.

Lets start installing codeception in our system in order to run our first acceptance test.

1. We need to download the codeception PHAR file and we need to put it under root of our web             application.
    We can also download it from console.simply fire the below command in console.
2. Then we need to install the PHAR file.
     In console navigate to the directory we have kept the PHAR file and fire the below command:
    php codecept.phar bootstrap
   This will create a tests directory which will contain all type unit, functional and acceptance tests          and codeception.yml file.
3. Let's go ahead and create our first Acceptance test.To generate our first acceptance test simply fire the below command in console:
   php codecept.phar generate:cept acceptance Test
  Cept: cept are generally codeception scenarios.
4. Now is the time to write our first acceptance test.
  Suppose we need to test that we are currently in App's home page.
  So we need to write the test like below format:

$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that frontpage works');

5. Now time to configure our Acceptance test
Please make sure your local dev server is running.
In acceptance suite.yml file put the web app url.

class_name: AcceptanceGuy
enabled: [PhpBrowser, AcceptanceHelper]

6. Now time for running our first acceptance test.Just execute the run command

php codecept.phar run

This command will execute test cept file with phpbrowser.
If you have did everything correct and your web app has a home page then you will see your test as passed in following format in console.

Suite acceptance started 
Trying to ensure that frontpage works (WelcomeCept.php) - Ok
Suite functional started
Suite unit started
Time: 1 second, Memory: 7.00Mb
OK (1 test, 1 assertions)


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